Thursday, June 11, 2020

This thing called fear! P. H. O. B. I. A.

 This thing called fear! Irrational fear at that! P. H. O. B. I. A.
How much do you know about phobia
Let's start with the A's today..
Achluophobia : Irrational fear of dark places 

2. Acoustic phobia: Irrational fear of sounds 
3. Acrophobia : Irrational fear of heights 

4. Aerophobia : Irrational fear of aero planes or flying or air 

5. Agoraphobia : Irrational fear of open space 

6. Ailurophobe : Irrational fear of cats 

7. Anglophobia: Irrational fear of pain 

8. Androphobia : Irrational fear of men 

9. Aerophobia: Irrational fear of wind 

10. Apiophobia : Irrational fear of bees 

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