Sunday, May 31, 2020


How many success story do i really need before i start making my own success story.
I thought about this when i stumbled through that thrilling question.
I was faced with certain arguments though. but come to think about it;
Can one climb the mountain top only learning about people who climbed the Everest or jumped over the kilamanjoro?
What one often needs is one word! A word which drives not only your dreams but establishes the courses of an action.
Many a dreamers who chew a lot of motivational nut day to day without a trace of those varrying inspirationals.
Of what use is a drug without effect?
Of what use a fuelled car without motion?
Inspiration is meant to set our passion on motion.
   Every successful story is targeted towards igniting our hunger for success. It arouses our emotional compass most certainly. but the action to back it up we usually dump to the bin of slothfulness and procrastination.
   Even when we doggedly decide to take action, we give up on the way because there is no power to our resolutions. We only get emotional, we act like that guy who is drugged looking for catharsis(relieve) only  to wake up hours later in his life miserable paralysis (grieve). 
   Emotion is good if we use it well. Get fuelled by those words of wisdom. Cry out by those heart touching stories if it need be. But don't remain at the goose stage. You got to awaken the giants within by solving the calculus.
     This writeup is not a bombardment of principles and formulated ideologies, nor is it a collection of well to do laws of wealth! Not really.
It is just to remind you of atleast one of those principles and laws and working it out. Reading to this point, shows definitely that you are not a "JJC"(novice) in the inspirational ball game. So great reader, simply focus on the acting more. Do you know how much messages you have listened? The could not match the oratory skills of Hitler. Far mightier than than the poems of Shakespeare maybe.   Have you not heard and experienced the power of words? How that a single word can command a troop and even calm a the spirit of the angered. 
Why are the words you have so read and heard only banked in the heart?
You given so much thought to your dreams, yet little or no action to spur them to light...
" How many success stories must you hear before you make  your own?
You must have heard about positive mindset, self discipline, risk taking, consistency,  courage, avoiding procrasting, knowledge, rightful association and lots of more skills, formulas and laws of wealth and influence. It could be a leadership series that challenges your innovation. That's all good but its high time you stepped up the chambers. 
      "Anybody can dream dreams, but not all can act dreams".
    You may need peoples' success story to stay motivated, but people story cannot get you up lifted. Only the maximal practical utilization of what you have learnt will produce results.
You are not remembered for your " trillonaire" thought or motivation. A greater scale of your relevance is in the manifestation of your thoughts and inspiration.
    Let your thought and emotion sharpen your hunger for action, but let your action speak visibly of your thought. We remember Albert Einstein as a physicist because his formulas have practical importance. Not just bottled within.
 So long as we see his effects we picture him as a genius. So I stay motivated by his prowess not neglecting the place of his practical approaches.
    You really do not need much success stories to be successful. There are increasingly success stories everyday! You cannot get the best story or poem because success is proportional to time. It happen every now and then. You could wait all life checking out the best success story. You would be that guy as I wrote, who takes drugs expecting to forget his mystery only to return to them fully packaged.
 If I should add to your motivation, it should be;
    Find a dream, think the dream, live the dream and act the dream!
    How many success stories do you need to hear to make your own? One thing I know:
 not a million stories with little action will pay more but a little story with a million doses of courage! Be the lion!
No man climbs the Everest just by staring at it. Although motivated enough, such a person starts by acting. It could be a step at a time, providing there is a courageous climb, despite the obstacles he would reach his 'pinnacle', assuredly success is gradually attained and victory stories made.
  Let your motivation not leave you the same.
Apply those success principles you know(It could even be one)and start making your own success stories!

Saturday, May 30, 2020


Lawyers Are": One who defends you at the risk of your pocketbook, reputation and life.
If you say all lawyers are liers would you also say that all pizzas are not edible, or that all editors are not sticklers, or that all peeves are not justified?
As you know very well, you would be wrong in every case. It’s not true that all lawyers are not liars, because some lawyers are liars. To accurately express what you probably believe to be true, you should write “Not all lawyers are liars”
But “all are not” in place of “not all are” almost guarantees that the reader will stumble. We take “all X” to mean “every single X.” All humans are mortal. So when you start a sentence with “All lawyers,” a reader is justified in expecting that you have something to say that is true of all lawyers. And if it turns out to be that they are “not liars,” you’ve just confounded things.
But lawyers are human too and sometimes they make mistakes and poor choices. That is why there is a disciplinary process set up for lawyers.
On a more specific note, I want to address the misconception that criminal defence lawyers commonly lie to the court to get their clients off. A criminal defence lawyer is an advocate for his or her client, but also an officer of the court. An officer of the court is a person that has an interest in making sure that the court process functions as it should. As officers of the court, we are duty and honour bound to not mislead or lie to the court and we take that duty seriously.
Oh, but of course, lawyers are liars and even if a few of us do lie;
Does that make all of us liars?
If the answer is yes, then
All accountants are thieves
All doctors are murderers
All Bankers are fraudsters
All Engineers use fake materials
All Pharmaceutical companies make fake drugs
All Journalists are liars
All Receptionists, Sales Clerks, male and female are prostitutes
All musicians are drug addicts.
They say we are liars.
Let’s judge this issue with wisdom, and logic of course.
If we bring logical reasoning into an issue with the aim of acquitting a person, is that, lying?
If yes,
That makes the lecturer who adds 2 points to give a student an A, a what?
Ha, they call it benevolence, sure but still say we are lying.
What about the cashier who gives a receipt of N1000 when you pay N950 and tells you to bring the balance the next day?
What is that called, kindness?

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A letter of a listener to his speaker..

Dear speaker:
   Your ego has become a wall between yourself and me. You're not really concerned about me, are you? You're mostly concerned about whether or not this speech is really working... about whether or not you're doing a good job. You're afraid that I won't laugh at your jokes or cry over your emotional anecdotes. You're are so caught up in the issue of how am going to receive your speech, you haven't thought much about me at all. I might have loved you, but you're are so caught up in self love that mine is really unnecessary. If I don't give you  my attention it is because I feel so unnecessary here.
    When I see you at the microphone, I see Narcissus at his mirror... Is you tie straight? Is your hair straight? Is you deportment impeccable? Is your phraseology perfect?
   You seem in control of everything but your audience. You see everything so well but us. But this blindness to us, am afraid, has made us deaf to you. We must go now. Sorry. Call us sometimes later. We will come back to you...When you are real enough to see us... after your dream has been shattered...after your heart has been broken..after your arrogance has been reckoned with despair. Then there will be room for all of us in your world. Then you won't care if we applaud your brilliance. You will be one of us. 
   Then you will tear down the ego wall and use those stones to build a bridge of warm relationship. We will meet on that bridge. We will hear you then.  All speakers are joyously understood when the reach with understanding.
Your Audience.
Calvin miller's letter.

Being a lawyer

After a long lasting lecture on administrative law, with our lecturers sermon on why the local government is not functioning.....unlike me I love eating after school but surprisingly I saw my self walking home and so tired
There I was basically on my bed, thoughts hovering over my head.....thinking of the reasons I emberked on this long exhausting professional journey.....
Basically, I want to become a lawyer because I believe that it is a good way of rendering service to society and that it will fully develop in me ,skills, abilities, and attitudes that I can apply in a lot of aspects of my life. I believe that the law profession plays an integral role in any community as it is generally works to analyze and solve legal theories and ensure that justice is enforced. In this regard, I want to be involved in that kind of profession while at the same time ensuring my professional growth.
For me, the interesting characteristics that a lawyer possesses are his or her wit, boldness, and audacity.
I also believe that the law profession is multi-faceted because it can be involved in various forms of service. If I enter the law profession, I can choose to become a corporate lawyer, tax lawyer, and even a judge in the future. In other words, one major reason behind my interest in becoming a lawyer is that the profession encompasses a lot of aspects in society which would more or less broaden my horizons and provide me with a deeper perspective of the law. The profession would mainly mold me into a highly flexible person who is knowledgeable in a lot of fields.
In short, I want to become a lawyer primarily because of the professional and personal growth that the profession offers.

By Igwe precious
      Igwe precious is a law student, a
        blogger and content creator. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


There is no perfect reason not to smile..
It also look good on you..
S: Sets u free,
M: Makes u special,
I: Increases ur face value,
L: Lifts up ur spirits,
E: Erases all ur tension
Threading on paths devoid of hurdles, obstacles and challenges is almost close to impossible in life. Even when you want to make ends meet through cheat codes you probably will surf your brain with a lot of rigorous figures, calculus and manipulative schemes. Every great man has a great deal of hot air fuming out from within in response to external pressures and heat. Ironically, these pressures when properly harnessed will eject pleasures... Of course no one had a crown without a test of frown to win over..
Conditioning our minds for these battles could be strategic for implementing the right formulas, pressing the right buttons too to unravel the big and hidden wealth veiled in our life given challenges. Our view about life could be conflicting and at times controversial. but whatsoever niche you carve out life, believe me that your God given life is worth living. Whether you see it as a dream, or as a battle, perhaps a game! Work it out to win.
If it is a dream, wake up, a battle -fight the good fight of faith. And if from your subjective analysis it appears to you a game, common, solve the puzzle and smile.
It is not far from the truth to say that every element of nature appeals to our consciousness to do right. I believe that there is no soul without a conscious. This beautiful app installed in us contain choice colors of our decisions. A whole lot of what we do is dependent on our decision. If not all! We know that indecisiveness is a choice. Not to decide is a choice. Yes, your read correctly. There are no perfect condition or time when we got to be happy. Staying merry is not seasonal. You wouldn't wait for the Santa bliss to laugh out the Xmas vibe.... You simply choose to. When we bet on ourselves to staying focused, being positive and living our dreams amidst life huge blows we find a better reason to smile. Being intoxicated with your passion adds to your happiness regardless of the soured wine life gives you... Except you wanna travel to heaven, be assured that life has more arrows awaiting you. but be assured you are shielded and victorious, because you have chosen to be happy before, during and after your trying moments. We could have lots of armour for everyday life, but without a positive attitude crack in our armour is inevitable.. With this understanding, you can smash your trash smiling not only after a big win but also during a huge pin...
There are numerous reasons why we should be sad. Ya, we are hurt by our dearest friends and clicks. We often are disappointed by trusted individuals and organizations. When it seems all is getting up back again, we see before our own very eyes how shattered and broken our efforts has been made by the ones we call beloved.. You know that feeling when your sincere opinion is twisted and reconstructed in such a manner we never imagined or thought about... How do you feel when you have given much to a group and not even a bit of your contributions is seen or commended? That supposed reaction when people humiliate and treat us like a piece of bread... Our pain could be our own family, our stubborn kids, the death of a loved one, and so many more depressing situations. I would be lying to tell you it is easy to get over with smile. You have prayed enough for that project, yet you are not seeing any clear picture of your vision. You probably invested a lot in your studies and expecting your returns you were shocked with no jobs.... The list of what grieve that easily beset you could be endless. I know after all, we have very good reasons not to smile... A crystal reason for our unhappiness..
Do you think then that sadness adds to your life any dime? Grimace drains you of your mental and emotional resource. Depression is a price you pay for a service you did not enjoy.. It saps you of your energy, strength and gives you nothing in return... I have not seen any worthwhile achievement of anger. Having your face pout or gloom will cost you more than smiling through your limes.... What about the health implications involved when you decide to drench your eyes with tears. Psychologically, bitterness isn't good for. Even with your relationship with God, you will have little or no expression with God. The psalmist said I will enter his gate with thanksgiving in my heart..... The joy in our heart reflects on our faces via a smile. A true smile surfaces from the internal. Our environment tends to favor us when we simply let go of our set backs and smile front. You could have one reason for frowning, but I got a million and one reason why you should smile.
One solid gift I want you to grab from this text, is that
What a smile does is produced by what the heart processes. when the heart is overwhelmed, it releases it in a smile. Everyone can laugh but very few sincerely smile.
Often times we smile just to get away with restraint. We wanna feel belong so we force the smile when it is not connected with love or peace. We just do it; everyone is doing it right? Why not me?
What is a smile without a joy? Of what use is a smile when you can't stay happy or positive? It is no smile when it dawns no internal excitement or calmness.
A smile cannot be faked. If it is actually a smile then it is first inborn. We know how genuine it is when we cast a gale on your face.
Websters dictionary got my idea detailed;
SMILE: to make a smile : to make thecorners of your mouth turn up in an expression that shows happiness,amusement, pleasure, affection, etc.: to show or express (something, such as approval, encouragement, etc.) by a smile: to say (something) with a smile!
I am intrigued by the word to show.. It is done already internally so we shock our situations outside that ya we are strong and courageous even in the quick sand it brings our way.
"A smile doesn't cost anything. It looks good on those who gives it; pleasing to them who receive it. Though it memory is for a short time, it impact is for ages!
You choose to end your bad day with the people that makes you glad or with the ones that always seek for sympathizers..
Moreover we can learn from our friends, colleagues, mates and certainly from the ants keys to unlocking some hard stuff but not having restless nights for nothing. That only add to our stress. Solomon did confirm this truth about mans restlessness. "He keep late night worrying in vain".
Worry only makes you pitiable before people. It strains you for more pain. Often times we worry endlessly because of our wants and desires. At times we are just impatient to wait for the right time. We want things done our own way and when we are disappointed we feel that life has done us so much harm. It is a very fat lie to think your issues are the most challenging. That not true. We all know that everyone has some giants standing before him he needs to defeat. The bigger the star, the bigger the scar.
You got no reason to be depressed. Everyone can smile, but just few truly really smile. Be among those guys that will choose to smile. To maintain a positive attitude despite all odds. When life gives you limes, rearrange the letters and smile.
Smile in your limes!


......"that Ladies should not wear trouser" is a religious blunder.... 
See biblical reasons why it is not a sin. 
"If You know what decency is then you can put anything that you are comfortable with. 
   Do not judge a fish by it ability to climb a tree. Some said that trousers and wigs for ladies is a sin. some went further to say that it was made by mermaids.. My question is' If the weavon and 'attach' was made from the acclaimed water then the thread and wool this holy sisters wear was made from where? I heard them say too that ladies should not wear trousers using the normal Deut 22:5 to justify their religious ignorance..
My question is; whose culture do we imbibe? Our great grandfathers or the western? was moses emphasizing on trousers or a dress for the Israelite? Was it a trousers or another wear then? There is this wear called 'unisex'.... Beloved heavenly sisters: what portion of hell is reserved for wearers. The truth is, God is not a God of methodologies. He reveals himself to us in several ways. Paul Enenche said that Our believe system and cultures affect our relationship with God. God demanded the hair of Sampson to remain uncut and at the same time expected the recabite never to take wine. The holy spirit came upon Jesus as as a dove(calmly) but came speedily on the disciples as a wave(mightly). He might tell Chris oyakhilomi allow your sister members wear trousers and at the same time expect Kumuyi of deeper life ' as a deal, let them not'. He comes to us in different ways. Our consecration differs! The mess going on in the church revolves round meaningless and endless debate. In Italy were wine is widely taken as water, will you tell them don't because in Nigeria some fanatics describe wine as sinful. I don't prescribe alcohol.. its Has effect medically. Does that mean that all that drink alcohol will perish. No! Probably persons drinking it are ignorant..In The western countries were trousers and wigs is there respected lifestyle and culture, some Christians there look moderate and God wreck mysteries with them. Ask Joyce Meyer, Kathryn kumar and all those. you rebuke there dress but seek there God tirelessly. Common embrace what works for you and your "God" provided it is right.
He gave us different shapes, faces, choices and desires...
So, what you love I might not love.. Your convictions are not mine.. Likewise your consecration..
If you are told not to make up then let it be so for you... Don't impose it on me or gossip about...
Is our God an author of confusion? Never! Or does it mean He contradicts His will? Never!
.your choices should not impede others lifestyle.
You talk about head tie or scarf, people wanna make a religious chant about it...... Where did we got this cheap doctrine that is hugely distracting our focus.
Not even biblical.
Paul observed that women's hair grew faster than the men. It also looks fine on them.. He suggested it is left that beautiful since it serves as a covering to there head... Culturally, it was not accepted that a woman's hair be cut..
In the old ibo setting, a lady cuts her hair to show her bereavement. probably a death of her husband...
Does that make our low hair cut sisters sinners?
Israelites adopted the make-up tradition from Egypt.. was it condemned?
Rather talk about modesty and decency in appearance...
Someone who criticised make up
this morning creamed up her body, applied powder, perfumed highly but rants about makeup! My pen will not seize to justify her points but for simplicity and clarity I choose to summarize my views...
LETS NOT GENERALIZE A PERSONAL REVELATION! when God tell you anything hold it to yourself do not enforce it on others! We have our different ways of serving God. God is not stereotyped. In my church, In some churches, Sisters don't put on trousers but that does not mean that if it is done in your church it is a sin. If you rebuke sisters wearing it, rebuke also the whites who introduced you Christianity...
OBEY THE SYSTEM YOU ARE IN. Israel were to obey their system and culture, not India, Italy, Nebraska or Georgia.. In Nigeria what then is the women's wear? trousers or skate? And if you say is skate, then why are you in school, why the television, the phone, the English language you speak was that our culture... why not go about wearing leaves and figs?because that the primitive Africa! were these ideas inherited by your great grandfather or moses? Dress decent no matter the dress and most importantly know God for your self! As wole Soyinka would say: Religion is the worst thing that has happened to Africa.. for me POOR MENTALITY AND PHILOSOPHY IS ONE OF THE WORST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO AFRICA....!!!!!! Think right and leave right... Do not judge a fish by it ability to climb a tree and Do not crucify and ideology you cannot impregnate or represent and ideology you cannot represent. God understand culture and systems! Selah........ Direct your arguments rightly to
Orji sammy pen(Facebook)


P.U.S.H( pray until something happens)..Did you masturbate again? And you're like; Oh God! Not again! You saw a woman half naked and your subconscious mind started downloading porn movies again!
Is not as if you are a runs girl ohhhh! You love God but you can't still explain why you can't say NO to the sexual advances of that your boyfriend.....
You've had several abortions and when ever you want to call on the name of the Lord, guilt arises and points an accusing finger at you!
You preach submission of wives, unfortunately you married a knife and she's about tearing your sweat for years apart, shebi you want to give up?
You can't explain what happened to your passion for God after you got married, you feel so drained, don't quit that marriage yet!
It could be your first ministerial assignment!
Things started well but it looks as if your dreams and visions are shattered, you feel so broken inside....
Let me let you know something, the devil has lost the battle over your life!
It seems like fire now but it's soon turning into fragrance!
We would stand in the gap for each other because we would not be few that will love and live for the Lord!
We are into this together! No retreat! No surrender!
We would not be few that would lift up the banner of our Lord!
You can't give up at this juncture! It's hard right? Keep pushing!!! You're coming out stronger!
It could be that you've be striving in ministry from a stand point of past Glory!!! Keep pushing!
The God who saw you through it all did not bring you this far to leave you!
You could be one prayer away! Every push is important in the labour room because you can't predict the one that would bring forth the baby!
Can you PUSH just one more harder in the place of prayer?
# Intercessors_are_rising
# Pray_Until_Something_Happens
Pastor Ndukwe favour(writer).


1. Books help you to feel more confident
2. Books help you to travel around the world in the cheapest way.
3. Books develop your personality.
4. Books provide food for thought.
5. Books make you laugh and think.
6. Books draw you towards perfection.
7. Books stimulate creativity.
8. Books bring out writing talent.
9. Books help you in communicating.
10. Books clear your vision.
11. Books satisfy your curiosity.
12. Books help you make better choices.
13. Books help you build literary talent.
14. Books do not require any special device to teach.
15. Books increase your attention span.
16. Books are fruitful pastime.
17. Books can be used anytime, anywhere.
18. Books provide entertainment, when others fail.
19. Books make you powerful.
20. Books help you know the 'Whys' and 'Hows' of everything.
21. Books help you to create and spread fun.
22. Books help you travel across time intelligently.
23. Books keep you updated with facts and figures.
24. Books spread love, affection and knowledge.
25. Books make the best of friends.
26. Books take you to intellectual environment.
27. Books help you feel the world around you.
28. Books entertain your mind.
29. Books broaden your horizon.
30. Books bring Nature to your doorstep.
31. Books bring about a 'personality change'.
32. Books increase comprehension.
33. Books do not require company.
34. Books are stress-busters.
35. Books develop a sense of belonging to people around you.
36. Books provide mental and physical relaxation.
37. Books act as a communication tool.
38. Books are intellectually satisfying activity.
39. Books provide spiritual experience.
40. Books provide emotional strength.
41. Books build your self-esteem.
42. Books help and encourage your imagination to soar.
43. Books make you smarter and wiser.
44. Books help you grow.
45. Books take you to a 'world of dreams'.
46. Books can change your life and vision.
47. Books changes your mental pictures.
48. It formulates your philosophy.
49. You are what you read! A medical doctor reads medicine!
50. Book readers are wealth creators!
The difference between the where you are and the where you will be is a product of what you know! Ask Albert Einstein...
Dig up the wealth in the pages of your books.....

Why marital delay is on the increase!

I have this for you mums and future mums!
I loved reading it too.  
The last thing on a Boy's Mind is Marriage.
Boys don't think of marriage, they want to make money first, they enter into relationship just for fun and sex, that's why if the lady should get pregnant, they ask her to abort it, or they'll deny her, because they aren't ready for Marriage..
Stop dating boys.
Boyfriends will keep scaring away serious and well-meaning suitors because they'll be thinking that the boyfriend that always hangs around you actually wants to marry you.
This makes you keep raising your finger to show the world that one young man engaged you and when the serious suitors that are ready to settle down see the ring, they'll pass over you because the ring tells them you have been taken.
And time is going, uncle isn't saying anything again, the ring self have start to rust on your finger in protest.
Many engagement rings are actually handcuffs, some are not better than key holders.
Aunty, say no to Lord of the Rings.
you tend to decline marriage proposal in a hurry, to do plenty unnecessary shakara so that the brother will not think you are cheap or desperate.
It tells you to tell him to give you nine months to pray, don't pick his calls, ignore his WhatsApp messages, behave as if you are not interested even though you are dying on the inside and truly love the brother.
Until you hear the brother is getting married to another sister, then your eyes will open and you will start saying "can't he even wait for me"
Wait for you? Who do you think you are?
Aunty, If you love the brother and you perceive he is God's will for you, accept the proposal.
*4. PRIDE*
You always talk to brothers anyhow because you are beautiful and educated.
You believe that every brother that greets you is not your class, so you keep ignoring and looking down on them.
You do not greet brothers except those that ride exotic cars.
Aunty, calm down and be humble.
You won't marry yourself oh.....
I'm from Oyo and must marry someone from Oyo so our marriage will be Deep.
I'm from Rivers state and must marry from Rivers. River will soon carry you.
This attitude has kept many bound, they entered menopause and are about to join the Women's league because of their age.
If God is leading you to another tribe, kindly obey Him, stop delaying yourself by yourself
The character of some ladies shocks even the devil.
They will open their mouth to insult someone and you will cry for the person..
They quarrel and fight in public, no shame, self respect and dignity.
Their pride, their arrogance, their attitude, all the brothers are running, sorry, FLEEING from them like ants running away from fire. Who wan die?
This attitude has kept many ladies single, by the time any brother gets close because of her beautiful MASCARA, her CHARACTER will chase him away.
Aunty, this year, work on your character, your date will be fixed this year In Jesus name!
You tend not to dress well because you are going to heaven. Special Heavenly candidate.
You dress and add 10 years to your age .
You dress and brothers will be greeting you "Good afternoon Ma." "Yes Ma" "Thank you Ma"
You use tarpaulin to sew your dress, wear green skirt, yellow blouse and lemon head tie. You indecently tied a wrapper around your waist.
You are a lady but dress like a man; Sister, no Man wants to marry his fellow man.
You dress like egungun that is going to the express.
Dress well, don't under dress and don't over dress.
Dress modestly, smell good because it's not a sin.
We said don't dress indecently, we never said don't dress well.
May your Marriage come Soon for those who are ready in Jesus name.
Read, Discern and make the Needful correction.
From Koinonia's page..

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


A spoken word poetry created and written  by Orji S. C.
    Hell in a veil

In the deep world rest a weary blood
trampled upon and buried in pains.
Stood this solitary soul is a word whispered to a heart wheeled in chains. No love to tender her heart only a hurtful whip that rips her might.
A story of a hell in a veil.
I come from a land somewhere in the dark
where vision has lost it sight
and faith exist without it fight.
No hopes to rewrite it poverty
and streaked plight
Dreams like a trash shrinks with no light.
Bright promise of grieve ignite from
a blight.
Only a threat that stares in the heart knows her sorrow
for she pretends with a smile when her joy is not glare but trapped by a stage yet again to borrow.
     Inside out she is depressed
 with a case
deep down she is suppressed 
in a phase
       Troubled by a desire and worry
who dies slowly probably in a hurry.
it seems she have a two edged face
One clothed, an another long aged in a maze.
As if all is well and there is a cake
whereas she is in hell for no just sake.
A hell in a veil.
She is a symbol of a people dying in silent trauma
A nation that trembles for a prominent few driving in violent hummer
Who did she wrong?
She is the mother of a young guy
awaiting trials for until God knows when because he has no strong jury to buy.
she is the symphony of aloness
lost without no harmony of expression but depression.
She is the bride of the church bleeding daily at the gate that her
sons prides not without a watch!
Oh a a tear i feel for her;
even her lover fixed her teeth with his furry fit last night in bloody pool of fight was she left with a sorry feet.
The pain of a woman shattered and battered
The pain of a man hungered and frustrated...
Alas he broke he look!
The pain of a mother, the pain
of our children mining the street, the pain of a prisoner, the injury of a feminist. Even the all that has breath!
It is the prayer of one who clamours for
a voice to the voiceless
a home to the homeless and
a help to the helpless.
For here in this bruised heart is a path were the soundless exist
and voiceless quips;
"this is not my real face"!
What you see is not what I feel!
Inside out, it is a hell
in a veil!
Only the heart of heart can say
whilst the the wind blows astray.
She laments of a gold chain that you alone see but dead in the wounded soul is a load of an old pain..
The desire to conquer hunger roars
as she desperately seek to soar
yet no heart lifting tower!
Frustrated by the ones she dully elected,
she still is utterly dismantled by a war she never initiated nor participated.
for my beloved is betrayed by the ones she trusted,
the ones who wear rag, sag, brag and and still call it swag...
Not bold enough to challenge her eminence
She cruises good in the open but  her will dies in 
secret bruises where her face is so unreal.
she lost the courage to open up her name,
not bold 
enough to share her bottled up pain.
No love, only a hug
 that easily sweeps under the rug.
because she feels a tortured shame
The mighty voice whispers yet another...
I am Jesus!
I love you..
I was veiled in a hell
so you be well
in hells jail so you could sail well!
I took your thorn for a throne
Come sit close to me..
I am the rest you needed..
Am Jesus your saviour and Redeemer
no other mayor or seer!
Come and I will give you a new heart that never pants for pain.
I will calm your troubled breast
and give you an unflinching rest..
Oh that she may hear the heavens whisper.
The solemn call..for a great feast of fear and agony has stolen with tears her testimony.
May she rise with all her strength like the blind Barthimeus for indeed he was weary of a blinded face..
Oh son of David! Have mercy on me.....for this is not my real face..
unveil my sight from the hell in a veil...
He is Jesus! who healed his plight.
He is the love she bleed for.
The joy she desired but 
like a dog caged at it gates she lost her fate.
She represent endlessly those whose weary heart bleeds inside out with one extra face to seal up the other..
Those whose real pain is covered!
Again she cries
Inside out: 
what you see is not what I feel!
What I feel?
A hell unspoken of.
A hell in a cell of sins and pains.
A hell in a veil!
Awake oh giant for
for no man becomes a slave in his fathers house without his consent!
I bring sweet words from heaven.
A message of love and grace
like butterflies in my belly.
A melody to strengthen your heart
That she who was jiled in a hell by a veil be availed of his grace.
For as one imprisoned she was bailed with no jail terms by a loving Jesus!
That once again her voice be voiceful
Her home be hopeful and her
help be helpful.. 
That she be no a more symbol of a world in pain.
I bring you word from the depths,
let this be a light to waken you from your death; as 
Christ rose in his might
that you embrace his chest.
That  all weary vest be removed
and rest be given to the grieving heart.
Alas that the weary soul deep in her world be full of true smiles with no limes!
A blazing joy from the inside out with no zip to veil.
Behold she was veiled but no
more hell in a veil!
C.R  permission:
Orji Samuel Chimaobi

Thursday, May 7, 2020


  what use is light in the absence of darkness! In other words, the necessity for light is invented in the presence of darkness. When he said; let your light SHINE' He meant that your light is only needed where there is darkness.... We must understand that he came for the lost! Light is unimportant in the absence of darkness. Africa was a dark age continent then. The missionary saw her potential. Today the energy of her evangelical life bulb is almost outshing that of her engineers! Stop settling there(Where you have florescent bulb)! move out of your comfort zone and shine(atleast with a candle light)...Your 1k might not be needful to me. Someone else out there needs it... Someone out there needs just one word. Haven't you done series of Bible study with those brethren enough? Are u just a super church leader with no impact?... A light hidden inside a bushel will not be seen..... All the powerful leaders I have read of and seen were 'street guys'... From Luther king, mahatma Gandhi to Mother theresa etc the moved out of there internal zones and caused an unforgettable impact on the streets.... Even when some were not christians they shined out... Not just in there circles, but out of the horizons.. You too can!

Saturday, May 2, 2020


    By Michio De Grey
Deep into the thicks
Far away from the inhabited
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Stood a cabin in the woods
There resided a solitary soul
A soul who sees the soundless
Who hears the voiceless
And exists as the boundless
Alone in a world of mystery
With him always goes his companion
The large fierce-looking Savannah
One who dwells in the same dimensions
His romance is silence
He understood the tides and winds
Along the window side
Stood this solitary souls
Staring at the unknown
With a heart beat like steel
Their emotions melts in nostalgia
Wandering through the landscape
Of these beautiful solitary mountain side
The beauty of aloneness

He was quarantined

He came on his own
even though the whole world was his own.
poor Jesus born in a manger
Although a general manager he humbled himself to save us from danger!
He grew up in wisdom
and stature;
in our kingdom he gives his lectures with a kind gesture. A teacher, a healer, a builder and a restorer.
Crucified by the ones he came to save. to those who
are still in a cave, he avails the gift of salvation..
Nailed with a club
on a tree he created,
his blood gave us full access to Trinity...
He tested negative to sin and covid 19, yet was punctured with pins and
a soured gin...
His stripes was for my thrive.. My pastor, leading me in green pastures, I paint a picture of the glorious future he holds for me; That I will perfectly feature.
After being isolated on the cross, he was still quarantined for my virus...
again he tested negative.
Hurray am free! No disease, no shame, no virus, whatsoever can hold me down. He took "myself isolation" for a blessed promotion!
No quarantine, because am headed
For Brooklyn!
No shame, more fame
No pain more gain
No more thorns,
for am on a throne!
No cross, more gross....